
Restoring Newman-Richardson Science Center

Funds from speakLIFE will support the modernization and restoration of the Dr. George and Carolyn Newman and Sid Richardson Science Center (formerly Sid Richardson Science Center). Today’s prospective students evaluate the quality of a science program primarily by the quality of its facilities. To attract and prepare our students for careers in science and medicine, we must provide leading-edge technologies.

The ĵֱ Impact

Brad BarhamHardin-Simmons has been educating Christian leaders and speaking life into them for 130 years. God has created all people for a purpose. Hardin-Simmons University helps people find and fulfill their purpose. Dr. Brad Barham graduated from Hardin-Simmons in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and is now a pedatrician with Pediatric Associates of Abilene. Looking back on his time at ĵֱ, Dr. Barham’s has fond memories of studying anatomy models in Sid Rich late into the night as he prepared for the MCAT and medical school, “I was certainly academically prepared for the challenges of medical school and post-graduate training.”

After what he describes as bouncing from major to major in an attempt to find direction, with the help of his professors, advisors, and parents, Brad felt a call toward medicine, “Quality education and access to my professors laid a solid and broad foundation on which I was able to work toward and achieve my career goals.” Being a pediatrician, Brad shared, provides him a venue to speakLIFE into the lives of children and their families.

ĵֱ senior Jesper Jiang will attend the Texas A&M University Health Science Center College of Medicine this fall through JAMP.

A more recent example of the strong foundation and quality education ĵֱ provides in the sciences can be seen in Jesper Jiang. Jesper received his Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from ĵֱ in 2020 and is currently attending Texas A&M University Health Science Center College of Medicine with the goal of becoming a pediatrician. Jesper expressed appreciation at how his professors, specifically his science professors, spoke life into him, “Their open-door policy allowed me to walk in and chat with them whenever they were available.”

Jesper credits the leadership opportunities he experienced at ĵֱ with preparing him for the leadership positions he currently holds in medical school, “Without the guidance and wisdom of my amazing faculty, I don’t think I could have been as successful as I have been.” According to Jesper, God also provided him with lifelong friends at ĵֱ who have continued to support him in medical school.

Vishia ColemanAnother distinguished alum is Vishia (Wilson) Coleman. Vishia graduated from ĵֱ with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2003. As the Director of Emergency and Critical Care Services at Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital in Cleburne, much of her foundation in science and healthcare was formed as a student in what is now called Newman-Richardson Science Center. ĵֱ faculty spoke life into Vishia as a student, and she now speaks life into the patients and staff she oversees.

Dedicating the Dr. George and Carolyn Newman and Sid Richardson Science Center

George and Carolyn NewmanDr. George Newman’s presence is larger than life. He is known around ĵֱ as the founder of Western Heritage Day, Professor Emeritus of Biology, and former Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Carolyn Newman, like her husband, has dedicated her life to education, spending most of her career at Dyess Elementary in Abilene. Dr. Newman came to ĵֱ in 1967 when he was asked to serve as Professor of Biology and taught in Sid Rich for the next 24 years.

The Sid Richardson Science Center received its name due to the generosity of The Sid Richardson Foundation. Like the Sid Richardson Foundation, over the years the Newmans have blessed Hardin-Simmons with their generosity. The planned renovations on Sid Rich, in conjunction with the speakLIFE campaign, provided the catalyst for honoring Dr. George and Mrs. Carolyn Newman. In recognition of the Newmans’ impact on the campus, their family name will be permanently affixed next to Sid Richardson’s, encompassing all the resources as the Newman-Richardson Science Center.

speakLIFE 25 Questions Series: Newman-Richardson Science Center

Sophomore biology major, Teresa Vazquez gives an inside look at Newman-Richardson Science Center’s lab renovations. Newman-Richardson-

Phase I of the Newman-Richardson Science Center Remodel

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